Gardening for Planet Earth by Dee Pignéguy
"If we were to focus on growing food in family backyards, we could shape a new world."
Gardening is all about learning, experimenting, changing things, adapting, being observant and open to new ideas. Let the amazing photographs in this book help you to learn how to create your own garden paradise.
Gardening for Planet Earth will help you discover:
- How organic gardens depend on nature's cycles for everything from making soil and fixing nitrogen to growing nutrient dense food.
- How plants sustain life on earth based on the sun's renewable energy.
- The role insects play in the predator-prey cycle.
- The fun and excitement of growing your own fruit, flowers, herbs and vegetables.
- How organic gardening can slow climate change.
With her husband Mike once again behind the camera, Dee Pigneguy has reshaped and augmented her immensely popular, and now sold out book, Growing Gardeners, into this inspirational resource for anyone interested in growing their own healthy food while improving the health of their family and our own planet, Earth.
Dee is an ex-teacher and author of several books, including Feed Me Right: Nutritional Know-how and Body Science and Nature's Techno Tricks.
Her interest in nutrition, healthy food and healthy bodies developed as she grew up on a remote coastal property in British Columbia, Canada. Her mother engaged all her children in their self sufficient lifestyle - growing vegetables and fruit, raising pigs, chickens and ducks, and milking goats. At low tide they gathered clams and oysters and often went fishing.
Dee's primary source of gardening information as a child was the huge garden her mother kept to feed the family. As a result she and her siblings all learned to garden and cook at an early age. This knowledge was increased by people Dee encountered while belonging to the Soil and Health Association of New Zealand and the Auckland Herb Society. As well as organised garden visits, Esther Dean, Kay Baxter and Mick Reed have all contributed to her knowledge over the years, and she has drawn on organic gardening magazines especially Organic New Zealand and Koanga Gardens' seed catalogues.
Paperback | 190 x 240mm | 978-0-9582966-2-5 | September 2009 | Children, teens and adults: beginner gardeners |
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