2-for-1 deal: Boating For All and Saltwater in Her Hair for $25
Buy both Mike and Dee Pignéguy's sailing books for $25
Boating for All
Take boating fun to the next level with this easy to understand guide, the indispensable Boating For All.
Respected authorities on all things boating, Mike and Dee Pignéguy take sailors who have mastered basic sailing skills to the next level. With years of sailing and teaching experience, the authors write with integrity and a clarity that makes what can be a confusing array of information understandable.
The book includes information on charts, plotting courses, meanings of the various signals seen on the water, boat maintenance, boat handling, safety issues and much more. Activities for testing skills are also included; practice makes perfect as getting something wrong on the water can often be disastrous. One of the main aims of the book is to have the reader become more knowledgeable on the basics of boating, and not have to rely upon electronics for their navigation.
Saltwater in Her Hair
Saltwater in Her Hair captures the personal stories of women who have accepted the challenge of achieving success at sea. No stranger to the sea herself, Dee Pignéguy writes with compassion and authority, as she herself has had to confront many of the challenges these women have faced when choosing to be part of the maritime industry.
Saltwater in Her Hair is not just about frilly things hanging in the engineroom, or being better than men, rather it's about recognising the challenges men would not normally face. It is an insight into dealing with harassment, developing relationships, maintaining marriages and caring for children while continuing to work in their chosen sea-going careers. Saltwater in Her Hair makes a valuable contribution to this country's maritime history. - Keith Ingram, Editor, NZ Professional Skipper magazine
Saltwater in Her Hair reveals the trials, tribulations and triumphs of women achieving a way of life for themselves in an industry which has long been regard as a male preserve. It is a well illustrated, fascinating and informative book which will have universal appeal to readers, especially those who "go down to the sea in ship". -- Captain Jim Varney JP. Master Mariner
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