2-for-1 deal: buy Discover NZ & Mōkihi Haere for the price of 1 game
Buy Discover NZ & Mōkihi Haere for the price of 1 game - that's 50% off
Discover NZ and Mōkihi Haere, the Te Reo Māori version of Discover NZ are educational card games designed and made in Aotearoa New Zealand for adults and children from primary age upwards, and combine education with the fun and excitement of a game..
Discover NZ and Mōkihi Haere both include 100 cards and 400 questions – Discover NZ is ALL about Aotearoa New Zealand. These questions aren’t trivia, but are good general knowledge questions from a range of areas. The questions are set at four different levels – so that anyone from primary school age upwards can play.
Together, these games are designed for to support learning te reo Māori. Discover NZ and Mōkihi Haere have the same questions on the same card numbers, in English on the Discover NZ cards and in te reo on the Mōkihi Haere cards. and make a great gifts, souvenirs or family games. Support learning te reo and keep your entertained through the school holidays, on wet weekends or while you are travelling around.
Discover NZ – Mōkihi Haere has been professionally translated and then proofread by another professional translator. It was designed as a te reo resource for schools, families and communities.
Discover NZ and Mōkihi Haere are:
- Designed & made for NZ
- Broad range of questions about relevant topics
- Not Trivia – but good educational material
- 400 Questions & Answers on 100 cards in a convenient box
- 100 beautiful photos of NZ
- Extra interesting information is included with the answers
- 4 different levels of challenge
- Ages: 8 to 108
- Players: 2+ (& can be played in teams, used as class quiz, tests etc)
- Designed so adults & children can easily play together
- Full instruction on how to play, plus suggestions for other methods of play
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