What's that living in my Stream? Freshwater Fishes by Amber McEwan


Hey! What’s the difference between a native fish and a kiwi?

I’m guessing this is a trick question; so, tell me, what is the difference between a native fish and a kiwi?

Some native fishes are more endangered than kiwi!


That’s right; some of native fishes, that many people don’t even know exist, are closer to extinction than some species of kiwi.

And native fishes - galaxiids, eels, lamprey, bullies, flounder, smelt and torrentfish - are so interesting. They live such secretive and hidden lives that many New Zealanders have never seen them, or even know where to look for them.

Oh and you forgot... they are way good looking! I mean, just get a look at a torrentfish's gorgeous stripes and gold fins.

Take a look inside this book and see what other cool stuff you can find out about native freshwater fishes.

About Amber...

Amber McEwan is a freshwater biologist who is passionate about conservation, particularly of New Zealand's freshwater ecosystems. After her first child was born she realised that, while there were a number of children's books about kiwi and tuatara and other New Zealand native animals, there was nothing about our beautiful native fish. So, Amber set about writing a series of books - this one on freshwater fishes is the third - which share the really exciting story of New Zealand freshwater life with those who will be looking after them in the future - kids.

Paperback | 210 x  270 mm | 978-0-9922610-2-3 | 15 August 2014 | Non-fiction  | 36 pages |

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